Brian Nugawela

Professional Information

Brian has appeared at all levels of the judicial hierarchy, from doing tribunal work to appeals in the High Court.

Selected Cases Links

Seiffert v The Prisoners Review Board [2023] WASCA 15 – Pleading tort of breach of statutory duty.

Karszniewicz v The State of Western Australia [2020] WASCA 121 – Directions concerning s 31A, Evidence Act 1906 (WA) [propensity evidence] and cross-admissibility.

Hill v The State of Western Australia [2019] WASCA 209 – Directions to jury concerning s31A, Evidence Act 1906 (WA). 

Westrupp v BIS Industries Ltd [2015] FCAFC 173; 238 FCR 354 – Full Federal Court decision interpreting and applying the High Court decision in Comcare v PVYW [2013] HCA 41; 250 (2013) CLR 246 concerning statutory concept of “injury”.

Falkingham v Hoffmans (A Firm) [2014] WASCA 140 – Loss of opportunity in professional negligence action.

Newcrest Mining Ltd v Thornton (2012) 248 CLR 555 – High Court decision concerning approach to statutory interpretation (apportionment legislation).

Kuhl v Zurich Financial Services Australia (2011) 243 CLR 361 – High Court decision concerning contractors’ duty of care, duties of trial Judges in conducting fair trials, procedural fairness, the rules in Browne v Dunn and Jones v Dunkel.

Czatyrko v Edith Cowan University (2005) 214 ALR 349 – High Court decision concerning employers’ liability for industrial accidents and law relating to contributory negligence.

Kuligowski v Metrobus (2004) 220 CLR 363 – High Court decision concerning the doctrine of issue estoppel.

Kschammer v R W Piper & Sons Pty Ltd & Ors [2003] WASCA 298 – Personal injuries appeal.

Dossett v TKJ Nominees Pty Ltd (2003) 218 CLR 1 – High Court decision that affirmed the presumption against retrospectivity over Ministerial pronouncement (statutory interpretation).

De Sales v Ingrilli (2002) 212 CLR 338 – High Court decision that changed and clarified long-standing (150 years) law and practice in relation to the “widow’s discount” in fatal accident cases; became known as the “attractive widow’s case”.

Contact Information

Michael Kirby Chambers

 Level 27, St Martins Tower
 44 St Georges Terrace
 Perth WA 6000

 T: (08) 6316 4720

 M: 0419 887 811


Areas of Practice

  • Tort law (including professional negligence)
  • Workers compensation
  • General civil and commercial litigation
  • Insurance disputes (including income protection and TPD insurance)
  • Appeals (including some criminal appeals)
  • Criminal injuries compensation
  • Civil aviation (carriers liability)
  • Misfeasance
  • Other statutory compensation (Fatal Accidents, Dog Act etc)

Admitted to Practice

  • Western Australia (1992)
  • High Court of Australia and Federal jurisdictions (1993)


  • LLB (UWA, 1991)